History of our exhibition Brief history of our exhibition

The Lachute agricultural exhibition  is the oldest  fair in Quebec and the second oldest in Canada. This year, we will be celebrating our 199th edition.

In the years 1825 and 1826, meetings of the inhabitants of the county of  York met in the then bustling business centre of St. Andrews, to form themselves into a Society to be called “The county of York Agricultural society”, later to the Two Mountains Agricultural Society and finally to the county of Argenteuil Agricultural Society, the object of which being to improve the mode of Agriculture in the county is every means in their power.

From its beginnings until 1924, the exhibition was held around the third weekend in September, emphasizing agricultural production.

The Year of Confederation, 1867 saw the classes filled to capacity with exhibits of materials  of wool ready to be spun, dressed flannel blankets, fancy work and linen, with many classes  of wheat, rye, flax, barley, white beans and peas in the crop section with apples, pears, grapes, butter and cheese displayed in abundance. With the cost of living going up all the time it was decided in 1879 that a charge of 10¢ be levied for entrance to the Fall Exhibition. The dawning of a new year, 1883 brought with it the question that had been plaguing the Society for a number of years, “Where to establish a permanent site for the Exhibition?” Three sites were chosen, St. Andrews Village, on or near Lachute Village, and in Chatham.  A number of offers were made, however, the village of Lachute was decided upon as the central point of the County, it is also being served by the Railway. The matter couldn’t be settled amicably until finally in 1886, a Company called the Agricultural Permanent Exhibition Company of the county of Argenteuil procured land from Mr. Henry Hammond in the Township of Chatham, near the Village of Lachute.

Gradually the shares of the Company were acquired by the Society and the land was purchased to hold the Exhibition permanently in Lachute. 1917 saw the construction of the grandstand and the track, with new cow and horse barns being constructed as time and money allowed. The Fall Fair was changed to a Spring Fair in 1925 so that it could be deemed strictly a Livestock show. Today the Expo Lachute Fair is an annual event, and will be held in the first 2 weeks of July.

The fall of 1967 saw the end of a tradition and a meeting place over many years when the main building was destroyed by fire.

In 1985, the heavy horse barn was built. Storrs McCall donated generously towards the construction of the new dairy barn which was built in 1994. In September of 1996, work started on covering the grandstand.

With hard work and dedication from the directors of the Argenteuil Agricultural Society and all the volunteers and sponsors, we hope our 199th annual fair will bring enjoyment to all who attend.

A word from ... They wanted to tell you;

Board of Directors

2024 Executive board members
President: Sean Nairn   
Vice-Presidents: John McCart et Trenton Riddell

Glenn Neill and Jean François Gibeault

2024 Regular Board members
C.J. McOuat, Jordan Godin and Julie Filion
General Manager     Scott Lees
Secretary-Treasurer  Marcel Deschamps

Honorary Life members

Clifton Berry
Robert Filion
Grace Morrow
Nicole Steimer
Peter Steimer
Irving Cleland
Dan Hadley
Terry Morrow
Eileen Oswald
Colin McOuat
Pam McOuat
Margaret Smith
Thomas Smith
Ben Hammond
Frances Hammond
Danny Morrow
Pierre Filion

They succeeded each other over time ... Presidents of past years

1826 James Brown
1869 Edward Jones
1874 John Burwash & C.J. Forbes
1876 John Hay & George B. Hooker
1893 John Morrison & John Martin
1894-1896 Phineas Lane
1897-1898 A.J. MacGibbon
1899 George Morrison
1900-1903 Robert Watson
1904-1910 John Hay
1911 W.J. Burke
1912-1915 William Hay
1916 David Todd
1917-1919 George Hay
1920-1930 John T.Ayers
1931-1938 WM. Henry Ayers
1939-1949 John H. Black
1950 Gilbert Arnold
1951 Glement Tremblay
1952 Gavin Walker
1953 George McGibbon
1954-1956 James A MacKimmie

1957-1959 Erskine Rodger
1960 John P. Bradley
1961 Donald M. Hay
1962 S.G.Patterson
1963-1964 Norman MacGeorge
1965 John W. Heatlie
1966 Irving Cleland
1967 Douglas G Simon
1968 William Wilson 1969 Remi St.Jacques
1970 John. W. Hadley
1971 Carson J. Tomalty
1972 Jean C. St.Pierre
1973 Harold W.J.Wilson
1974 Richard O Maclean
1975 R.Keith McCaig
1976 Donald Parker
1977 Robert A Rodger
1977-1978 Rodger Lyster
1979 M.G. McCaskill
1980 Louis Renaud
1981 Steven W. Warwick
1982 Clifton Berry

1983 R. Keith McCaig
1984 Daniel M. Hadley
1985-1986 Jean C.St.Pierre
1987-1988 D. G. MacGibbon
1989 Terry Morrow
1990 Rodger Lyster
1991-1992 Kenneth McOuat
1993 Laurent Locas
1994-1995 Gordon Boa
1996-1998 Clifton Berry
1999-2000 Denis St.Jacques
2001-2002 Robert Filion
2003 Irving Cleland
2004-2005 Denis St-Jacques
2006-2008 Claude Ouellette
2009-2010 Eric Massie
2011-2014 Scott Lees
2015- 2016 Pierre Filion
2017-2023 Scott Lees
2024 Sean Nairn

Our sponsors

Such a complete festival is possible thanks to the generosity of our wonderful sponsors.

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